The multimedia program Molecular Genetics (High School/Colleges)


DNA has come to play an important role in today's society. In many countries around the world the subject of Genetics and the biochemical processes that are involved have become important ingredients in the biology programmes of secondary schools.

But gaining an insight into the structure, function and significance of DNA is not an easy task for many pupils and students, because the matter we're dealing with is complicated and abstract. To make things a little easier and more fun I have developed a multimedia application on DNA for my biology classes. This multimedia application was made with Authorware 4.0. The program is being used by the pupils at my school and they are very enthousiastic about it. This is why I, on behalf of F. Triep Multimedia, would like to invite you to buy the program for use at your school. 

But of course, you want to see before you buy. Download the free demo of the program now and have a look.

This program is aimed at pupils at secondary schools (advanced level), sixth form colleges and senior high schools. You can find more detailed information on this program on the page Extra Information.

Fred Triep